Gray and yellow swirl rug, Let's Twirl Blanket and Rug, Susan Carlson of Felted Button | Colorful Crochet Patterns

::Life's a Great Balancing Act::

I've been a little absent lately--not because I haven't been busy--rather because I have. Decorating, shopping, working, designing, crocheting, and mothering. It's wonderful and hectic. But as Dr. Seuss once said, "...and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act." 

My weird and wonky tree is up and decorated--but the rest of the house is not. Soon. Very soon.

This project is in the works--still early design stages, but coming together. I'm pretty excited about it.
This one is done but needs a pattern write-up. And I have two three other fabulous ideas that extend from it but I need to crochet the prototypes in order to publish it. What to do? Publish this now and edit it when I create the other two projects? Create three different patterns? What would you do?
This one is also "nearly" finished and just needs a pattern write-up.

Remember my thrift store chalkboard find? It has now found a place on my front porch for the neighborhood to see. (Hopefully it can "weather" the harsh winter weather.) I found this message today on Pinterest and SO needed it. Maybe my neighbors do, too. By the way, if you have not read Corrie ten Boom's The Hiding Place, you MUST! It is one of my top ten favorite books!
{QUESTION}-- What is one of your favorite quotes?


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