White swirls with felted leaves, Susan Carlson of Felted Button | Colorful Crochet Patterns

::Too Many Hats::

I wish I were popping in to tell you that this little baby was finished!
Or this one...

Or this one...hopefully one day to be the top of a wonderful round, thrifted ottoman!

Or this one...which has experienced a major modification and looks quite different today.

Or this one...which I haven't even touched in nearly a year!
Or this one...which has been neglected for nearly two years!

And yet another...

But wait...no, not that one either. This is a color variation of my little twirly swirlies. I am thinking this could be a lot of fun worked up in primary color backgrounds with variegated swirls on top. (There isn't really a little white spot on it--some funky light with my picture.)

But, alas, I am moving ever so slowly on everything hooky. And meanwhile, the bajillion hats I am wearing seem to all be falling off! What hats you ask?
Yard maintenance leader
Academic Coach
Scout leader
Church teacher
Homework manager
Birthday party planner
Business owner
Crochet Designer
And this list doesn't even discuss the pending holidays and all that they entail!
Well, you get the idea! We are all busy. But I am working hard to not 
let my brain slip into that negative state of overwhelm. I have a difficult time prioritizing sometimes. It all seems so important at that very moment. And my impulse is to get it all done RIGHT NOW! Which often means I just vacuum--weird, I know. But vacuuming somehow helps me think I have accomplished something and reduces my stress level.
My kindergartener always repeats "Slow and steady wins the race!" But I tend to approach life much more like the hare than the turtle. I often look at my friends and family that seem to have such a gift of steady and calm. How fortunate they are! I really wish I were like that! I want to be. I am striving to be! 
I will forever be grateful for my calm and steady husband--he helps me keep my head and strives to carry some of my burden. I am also immensely grateful that I crochet--it is extremely cathartic for my noisy little brain. 
I honestly have spent much time praying and reading my scriptures--which helps immensely. But it doesn't change the fact that I have many demands. We all do. So....
{QUESTION}-- How do you prioritize the hats you wear and keep your head? 

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