Last Dance is Over!
When the Scheepjes Last Dance on the Beach Crochet-A-Long was announced, I knew I HAD to do it! And I'm so happy that I did.
Not only was it a cathartic and healing experience for me, but it resulted in a beautiful blanket that I am now gifting to my dear friend. You see, she is the suicide prevention specialist in my state and a suicide survivor herself. When I learned of Wink's passing, she was there to cry with me. She gets me. And she gets what this blanket represents.
Besides changing up the colors suggested for the CAL, I also changed up a few squares. The multi-colored wavy stripe square is a stitch pattern that I am so happy with I think there will be a Felted Button blanket on its way using it.
Happy Hooking! (Miss you, Wink.)
| On the Board | -- Heaven is cheering you on--today, tomorrow, forever.
~~Jeffrey R. Holland
*This post contains affiliate links marked by an asterisk. Thanks for your support.
Not only was it a cathartic and healing experience for me, but it resulted in a beautiful blanket that I am now gifting to my dear friend. You see, she is the suicide prevention specialist in my state and a suicide survivor herself. When I learned of Wink's passing, she was there to cry with me. She gets me. And she gets what this blanket represents.
So let's see this blanket up front and personal! (Warning: Picture overload!)
I chose these scrumptious colors of *Scheepjes Merino Soft--625, 648, 639, 614, 628, 647, 642, 610, 629, and 632.. (You can read more about my thoughts on this yarn here.)
It was delightful to work with the ever-so-gentle-on-the-hands Merino Soft, make fun and textured squares, play with color, and relax into the rhythm of this project. But I think the best part of making this blanket was that I could just make it and enjoy the process without spending tons of brain energy on each row planning how I would describe it in my pattern or detail the unusual stitch placement in a photo-tutorial. See, I don't do much crocheting anymore from others' patterns and this was particularly delightful for just that reason.
Of course I had to play with some colors and mix things up a bit. My thoughts, it is a bit more work to weave in those ends, but the result if worth it. If I'm going to spend this much money on yarn and this many hours to make the blanket, an extra hour of weaving ends is totally worth it to me.
The blanket is far from perfect. One square is even upside down. But I didn't worry about it. I would like to think of myself as a recovering perfectionist. I'm learning to welcome the imperfections. I also chose a different joining technique because it as a bit quicker than the method suggested in the CAL, and I really like the effect. (Sc, ch 1, sk 1 between squares.)
Besides changing up the colors suggested for the CAL, I also changed up a few squares. The multi-colored wavy stripe square is a stitch pattern that I am so happy with I think there will be a Felted Button blanket on its way using it.
And although I did a narrower border, I finished the final round with a modified crab stitch that I think turned out great!
If you are interested in making a blanket like this yourself, the pattern squares and all (including videos) will be available on the Scheepjes website here.Happy Hooking! (Miss you, Wink.)
| On the Board | -- Heaven is cheering you on--today, tomorrow, forever.
~~Jeffrey R. Holland
*This post contains affiliate links marked by an asterisk. Thanks for your support.