While brainstorming ideas to motivate my kiddos to do their summer reading, I came up with a little crochet pattern to share with you. I wanted something visual and tangible that allows them to "count" books or minutes read--something that would show progress towards their goal. Thus, the idea of a paper chain--the kind I made in grade school as a child seemed just the ticket! But, rather than...
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The crochet patterns for these three cushion covers have been in the works for a long time, and I'm happy to make them available today! Best part--you get all three pillow covers in one! So why do I love them?
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Maybe you have the same problem I do with eyeglasses? You take them off, set them down, and can't find them when you need them. I decided to solve this little dilemma by crocheting an I-cord Eyeglass Holder. And I'm thrilled to share a little tutorial with you in case you might want to make one, too. Wanna see? (Haha. Pun intended.)
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