Rainbow Scheepjes Cotton 8 yarn, used for free Illuminations Blanket by Susan Carlson of Felted Button | Colorful Crochet Patterns

Cotton 8 Rainbow on the Hook

I've got another color-filled design on my hook right now. Surprised? No? Well, me either. Ever since receiving this delightful palette of Scheepjes *Cotton 8, I had to get my "hooks" into it!

Herringbone Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button using Scheepjes Cotton 8 Yarn
See, Scheepjes has some pretty incredible and colorful yarns! Like these...

Scheepjes Catona and Cotton 8 Yarn
On the left--*Scheepjes Catona (25g) in every color of the rainbow! You can see several projects I have made with this bit of heaven here and here and here, as well as read what I think of the yarn here.

On the right--*Scheepjes Cotton 8 (50g) that is currently on my hook in this easy and fun herringbone stitch pattern. Let me give you my "2 cents" ;) about this yarn.

Herringbone Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button using Scheepjes Cotton 8 Yarn

With substantially-sized skeins (50g) of 100% super-soft cotton in a perfect fingering weight for wearables, blankets and all kinds of home decor, I'm really pleased with this yarn. And, of course, all 46 colors are completely vibrant and happy. Those shown are not my final palette. I've added a few more purples and taken a few of the peachier hues out for another project. The colors are a bit "random" which was the effect I was seeking--different intensities and saturation moving from one color family to another. It feels a bit like a scrap-ghan, and I like that.

Herringbone Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button using Scheepjes Cotton 8 Yarn

Herringbone Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button using Scheepjes Cotton 8 Yarn

The cotton has a very soft hand--which is not true of all cottons, and a lovely drape. Bonus: Very affordable.

If you want to give it a try, you can find it from Wool Warehouse *here or Deramore's here--both of which ship internationally. 

I'll be sharing the final blanket as soon as it is finished so keep in the "Button" loop on Facebook here, Pinterest here, Instagram (@FeltedButton) or via my newsletter.

Have a fantabulously colorful and joy-filled day!

| On the Board | -- There is no life so shattered that it cannot be restored.
                                                           ~~Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Susan Carlson of Felted Button -- Colorful Crochet Patterns

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