Book review of Crafty Llama by Mike Kerr, Felted Button colorful crochet patterns

Crafty Llama: Three Things

When I first began crocheting several years ago I quickly discovered three things about this new versatile craft:

1. Crocheting allows me to focus my thoughts and quiet my otherwise noisy brain.

2. Crocheting makes useful, creative and cheerful goods ideal for gifting to others.

3. Crocheting is a natural "connector" to other people.

After reading the new book Crafty Llama* by Mike Kerr with darling illustrations by Renata Liwska, I found myself relating to this sweet story about crafting, friends and making "useful" things. (It is reminiscent of a loved book I have called Extra Yarn*)

Crafty Llama Book Review by Susan Carlson of Felted Button

For me, the result of #1 is #2, the result of #2 is #3. It's a good plan, I say. The more I crochet, the quieter and more focused my mind which allows me to create some beautiful things for my world and my friends and that leads to many opportunities to share my craft and crafty goods alongside others.

Crafty Llama Book Review by Susan Carlson of Felted Button
Here's a summary of the book...
Llama loves to make things. It doesn't matter what, really--something special, something lovely.
Beaver loves to make things, too. But he likes things to be useful.
On this lovely day, Llama is inspired. She is having fun making things, like gifts for her friends. And soon many of her friends are inspired right along with her. But Beaver needs to think about what Llama and the other animals are making. What useful thing can he do with this day?
With lots of craftiness and fun, this is a delightful story about how something lovely can be useful, too, and how the best gifts are the ones that bring us together.
Crafty Llama Book Review by Susan Carlson of Felted Button

Crafty Llama Book Review by Susan Carlson of Felted Button

 Just over a week ago I had the opportunity to experience the blessing of #3 when I attended Yarndale in Skipton with my Scheepjes Blogger tribe. Talk about a lovely way to connect with thousands of other folks who get this creative three-part journey. So many beautiful much fantastic creativity on display. I'll post shortly about the beautiful creative Yarndale finds, newly discovered artists, and share some more about my tribe of fellow creatives that I connected with there.

Crafty Llama Book Review by Susan Carlso of Felted Button -- Colorful Crochet Patterns

Because crafting is ALWAYS better with friends!! 

Be well and keep on your creative journey, whatever that might be. Let's chat soon!

 If you would like to snag a copy of this adorable book you can find it on Amazon here*. This is an affiliate link which helps support my blogging but doesn't cost you any more. Thanks so much for your support of my creativity!!

Susan Carlson of Felted Button -- Colorful Crochet Patterns

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