Skittles Blanket, Rainbow striped and textured crochet blanket in Jewel tones, free crochet pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button colorful crochet patterns

Skittles Blanket Free Crochet Pattern

Who wants a sweet rainbow of color springing off your crochet hook? You can do just that with my new free crochet pattern--

Skittles Blanket FREE crochet pattern by Felted Button

It's a party of color, I tell ya! And with fun texture, too. I had someone tell me

that it looks really complicated, but honestly, it is super simple!! The center rows are an easy repeat working only sc and dc (US) combinations. And the border follows a really simple repeat, as well--mostly hdc. I rated the pattern as "Easy" which according to the Craft Yarn Council means "Projects using yarn with basic stitches, repetitive stitch patterns, simple color changes, and simple shaping and finishing." Yep. That's about right. So, I say, give it a try!


Skittles Blanket Free Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button
I made it with one of my favorite yarns--Scheepjes Colour Crafter*
Scheepjes Colour Crafter used in Skittles Blanket free crochet pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button



There are lots of reasons why I love working with this yarn, but here are a few:
  • with generous 100g/300m center-pull skeins at a very affordable price, they are perfect for blankets and other larger projects
  • I'm finding that the DK weight is heavy enough for a bit of warmth, but not too heavy to sit under while working in warmer weather--again, perfect for blankets
  • the premium acrylic is easy care, doesn't pill or fuzz, and is super soft--again, ideal for blankets
  • have you seen the colors?!!! Again, perfect for blankets--and ME!


So, now that you know why I love this yarn for blankets (and lots of other projects, too), let's get on with this blanket pattern...
The Scheepjes Colour Crafter* is 100% premium acrylic. 

Almelo (#1316) (MC-Main Color)

2 balls

Tilburg (#1083) - (A)

1 ball

Leek (#1132) - (B)

1 ball

Nijmegen (#1712) - (C)

1 ball 

Assen (#1065) - (D)

1 ball

Alkmaar (#1708) - (E)

1 ball

Den Helder (#1068) - (F)

1 ball

Hengelo (#1084) – (G)

1 ball

Meppel (#1061) – (H)

1 ball

Deventer (#1425) – (I)

1 ball

I also used a 4mm hook.
Here are a few notes about the pattern:
  • Changing colors is completed on the final yarn over of the last stitch of the row. Draw through the new color and fasten off the old.
  • All joining is completed with a sl st.
  • Ch 1 at the beginning of a row or round does NOT count as a stitch.
  • The pattern is worked in multiples of 4 + 3, so if you choose to adjust the dimensions of your blanket, simply make your foundation chain in multiples of 4 to the desired width and then ch 3 more. Complete the pattern color repeat rows to the desired height before working the border.
  • The color pattern repeat is (A, B, A), MC, (B, C, B), MC, (C, D, C), MC, (D, E, D), MC, (E, F, E), MC, (F, G, F), MC, (G, H, G), MC, (H, I, H), MC, (I, A, I), MC
  • The sample blanket requires approximately 2168-2187 yards (1983-2000m) of the specified yarn. Nearly all of the Main Color (MC) were used in the sample blanket, with just over half of the other colors being used.

Stitches (US Terms):

  • ch = chain
  • dc = double crochet 
  • hdc = half double crochet 
  • rep(s) = repeat(s)
  • Rnd(s) = Round(s)
  • RS = Right Side
  • sc = single crochet
  • sk = skip
  • sl st = slip stitch
  • sp = space
  • st(s) = stitch(es)
  • WS = Wrong Side

Gauge is not super critical here for yarn requirements, but I got 18 dc X 9 rows = 4in (10cm). The final blanket dimensions including the border are: 42in X 48in (107cm X 122cm).


Blanket Pattern:


With A ch 163 (4 X 40 repeats + 3)

Row 1 (RS): dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across, change to next color in sequence, turn –160 dc + turning ch

Row 2: ch 1 (does NOT count as st), sc in first dc, *sk next dc, (sc, dc) in next dc; rep from * across ending with (sc, dc) in 3rd ch of turning ch, change to next color in sequence, turn –159 sts

Row 3: ch 3 (counts as dc), sk first st, dc in next st and each st across, change to MC, turn

Row 4: ch 4 (counts as dc, ch 1), sk first and second dc, dc in next, *ch 1, sk 1 st, dc in next; rep from * across placing final dc in 3rd ch of turning ch, change to next color in sequence, turn –80 dc, 79 ch-1 sps

Row 5: ch 3 (counts as dc), sk first dc, *dc in ch-1 sp, dc in next dc; rep from * across to turning ch, dc in ch-1 sp of turning ch, dc in third ch of turning ch, change to next color in sequence, turn –159 dc

Row 6: ch 1 (does NOT count as st), (sc, dc) in first st, *sk 1, (sc, dc) in next st; rep from * across to turning ch, sc in third ch of turning ch, change to next color in sequence, turn

Row 7: rep Row 3

Row 8: rep Row 4

Row 9: rep Row 5


Repeat Rows 2-9 for pattern through the color sequence (see Notes) three times followed with an additional rep of Rows 4-7 (MC, A, B, A color sequence). Do not turn. Fasten off and weave in ends.



The border is worked in rounds with the RS facing throughout. Do NOT fasten off MC until border is complete—drop yarn and loop to the WS and pick up on designated Rnds.

Rnd 1 (RS):

left edge—join with MC to top left corner, ch 1, sc in same st as joining, ch 3, sc in same st, ch 3, *sk dc post, sc in side of next row, ch 3, sk dc post, sc around post of MC row, ch 3; rep from * along left edge to corner,

bottom edge—(sc, ch 3, sc) in corner st, *ch 3, sk 3, sc in next; rep from * along bottom edge to corner,

right edge—(sc, ch 3, sc) in corner st, ch 3, *sk dc post, sc in side of next row, ch 3, sk dc post, sc around post of MC row, ch 3; rep from * along right edge to corner,

top edge—rep bottom edge, join to first sc, do NOT fasten off, drop MC

Rnd 2: with I, join in any ch-3 sp along side, ch 1, 4 hdc in same sp as joining, 4 hdc in each ch-3 sp around placing 5 hdc in each corner ch-3 sp, join to first hdc, fasten off

Rnd 3: pick up MC, working hdc over previous row into hdc two rows below, ch 1, hdc in same st as joining, ch 4, hdc in next, ch 3, *(hdc in next, ch 3) rep to corner, (hdc in next, ch 4, hdc in next)—corner made; rep from * around omitting final corner, join to first hdc, drop MC

Rnd 4: with H, join in any ch-3 sp, ch 1, 4 hdc in same sp as joining, 4 hdc in each ch-3 sp around placing (2 hdc in ch-4 sp, hdc over ch-4 loop in center st of corner group 2 rows below, 2 hdc in ch-4 sp) at corners, join to first hdc, fasten off

Rnd 5: pick up MC, working hdc over previous row into hdc two rows below, ch 1, hdc in same st as joining, ch 5, hdc in next, *ch 3, (hdc in next, ch 3) rep to corner, (hdc in next, ch 5, hdc in next)—corner made; rep from * around omitting final corner, join to first hdc, drop MC

Rnd 6: with G, join in any ch-3 sp, ch 1, 4 hdc in same sp as joining, 4 hdc in each ch-3 sp around placing (3 hdc in ch-5 sp, hdc over ch-5 loop in center st of corner group 2 rows below, 3 hdc in ch-5 sp) at corners, join to first hdc, fasten off

Rnd 7: pick up MC, working hdc over previous row into hdc two rows below, ch 1, hdc in same st as joining, ch 7, hdc in next, *ch 3, (hdc in next, ch 3) rep to corner, (hdc in next, ch 7, hdc in next)—corner made; rep from * around omitting final corner, join to first hdc, drop MC

Rnd 8: with F, join in any ch-3 sp, ch 1, 4 hdc in same sp as joining, 4 hdc in each ch-3 sp around placing (4 hdc in ch-7 sp, hdc over ch-7 loop in center st of corner group 2 rows below, 4 hdc in ch-7 sp) at corners, join to first hdc, fasten off

Rnd 9: pick up MC, working hdc over previous row into hdc two rows below, ch 1, hdc in same st as joining, ch 9, hdc in next, *ch 3, (hdc in next, ch 3) rep to corner, (hdc in next, ch 9, hdc in next)—corner made; rep from * around omitting final corner, join to first hdc, drop MC

Rnd 10: with E, join in any ch-3 sp, ch 1, 4 hdc in same sp as joining, 4 hdc in each ch-3 sp around placing (5 hdc in ch-9 sp, hdc over ch-9 loop in center st of corner group 2 rows below, 5 hdc in ch-9 sp) at corners, join to first hdc, fasten off

Rnd 11: pick up MC, working hdc over previous row into hdc two rows below, ch 1, hdc in same st as joining, ch 11, hdc in next, *ch 3, (hdc in next, ch 3) rep to corner, (hdc in next, ch 11, hdc in next)—corner made; rep from * around omitting final corner, join to first hdc, drop MC

Rnd 12: with D, join in any ch-3 sp, ch 1, 4 hdc in same sp as joining, 4 hdc in each ch-3 sp around placing (6 hdc in ch-11 sp, hdc over ch-11 loop in center st of corner group 2 rows below, 6 hdc in ch-11 sp) at corners, join to first hdc, fasten off

Rnd 13: pick up MC, working hdc over previous row into hdc one row below, ch 1, hdc in same st as joining, ch 13, hdc in next, *ch 3, (hdc in next, ch 3) rep to corner, (hdc in next, ch 13, hdc in next)—corner made; rep from * around omitting final corner, join to first hdc, drop MC

Rnd 14: with C, join in any ch-3 sp, ch 1, 4 hdc in same sp as joining, 4 hdc in each ch-3 sp around placing (7 hdc in ch-13 sp, hdc over ch-13 loop in center st of corner group 2 rows below, 7 hdc in ch-11 sp) at corners, join to first hdc, fasten off

Rnd 15: pick up MC, working hdc over previous row into hdc two rows below, ch 1, hdc in same st as joining, ch 15, hdc in next, *ch 3, (hdc in next, ch 3) rep to corner, (hdc in next, ch 15, hdc in next)—corner made; rep from * around omitting final corner, join to first hdc, drop MC

Rnd 16: with B, join in any ch-3 sp, ch 1, 4 hdc in same sp as joining, 4 hdc in each ch-3 sp around placing (8 hdc in ch-15 sp, hdc over ch-15 loop in center st of corner group 2 rows below, 8 hdc in ch-15 sp) at corners, join to first hdc, fasten off

Rnd 17: pick up MC, working hdc over previous row into hdc two rows below, ch 1, hdc in same st as joining, ch 17, hdc in next, *ch 3, (hdc in next, ch 3) rep to corner, (hdc in next, ch 17, hdc in next)—corner made; rep from * around omitting final corner, join to first hdc, drop MC

Rnd 18: with A, join in any ch-3 sp, ch 1, 4 hdc in same sp as joining, 4 hdc in each ch-3 sp around placing (8 hdc in ch-17 sp, hdc over ch-17 loop in center st of corner group 2 rows below in next 2 sts, 8 hdc in ch-17 sp) at corners, join to first hdc, fasten off

Rnd 19: pick up MC, working hdc over previous row into hdc two rows below, ch 1, hdc in same st as joining, ch 19, hdc in next, *ch 3, (hdc in next, ch 3) rep to corner, (hdc in next, ch 19, hdc in next)—corner made; rep from * around omitting final corner, join to first hdc, continue with MC

Rnd 20: ch 1, *working over ch-19 loop into sts two rows below (sc in next, hdc in next, 2 dc in next 2, hdc in next, sc in next) 3 times, (sc, hdc, dc, hdc, sc) in each ch-3 sp to corner; rep from * around, join to first sc, fasten off

Weave in ends. Block as desired.


Skittles Blanket Free Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button
Ahhhh. It makes me happy. 

I have taken the time to write up a PDF printable pattern for you--because I know how much nicer they are to work from--and it has been thoroughly tested for accuracy. You can find the tidy, ad-free pattern here on Felted Button or on Etsy here for a small fee. You can also get the UK terms pattern with that same purchase--Bonus! I sincerely appreciate every little bit of support that helps me continue to blog and provide free patterns. But I've got some more fabulous news...

Skittles Blanket Free Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button

You can get your hooks into a KIT with all of the yarn needed to make your own Skittles blanket. One click. All the yarn you need to finish this sample blanket. They are available from Wool Warehouse* beginning Monday, April 4. So follow the link above and snag your kit. Let's get Skittling!

I've got sooooo many projects in the works right now--last count 7. Some are nearly ready--some are in the early stages. So stay in the "Button" loop with me on Facebook here, or Instagram (@FeltedButton). Or sign up for my newsletter at the top of the sidebar and don't miss out on my colorful (sometimes crazy) happenings.

| On the Board | -- Of this be sure: You do not find the happy life. You make it. 
                                                              ~Thomas S. Monson

(*This post contains affiliate links. By using them and purchasing, there are no additional charges to you. Only a little small bonus for me.)


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