Large buttons in square crochet motifs in purple, blue and greens, Bright as a Button crochet pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button | Colorful Crochet Patterns

::Sharing is Nice::

My mother told me that sharing is nice. I like to share. (Ok. Maybe I'm just lousy at keeping quiet.) But I thought I would do a quick little hop in today and share a peek at my latest design in progress. (Should I call it a DIP?)

These are words to describe how I feel about this design...


Yep. That about sums it up.

I mean, seriously. Buttons!!! Could it be more perfect for me?!! I haven't finished "buttoning up" all of the motifs yet. And I still have quite a few to make. But I'm working furiously with a goal to get it all put together before the middle of next week. I have a VERY good reason why I NEED to get it done. That is for my next post.

And here's a little looksy at my latest thrift store finds--actually the jewelry just looks vintage--but it's not. I just love it.

The painting ($1.50) is far from professional--but I simply adore the colors. Scrawled on the back it reads, "A memory from 1973, Southern Italian Alps" and it was painted by Blanche Hansen.

The detailed metal frames will get a coat of paint and a bright ribbon to hang on my bedroom wall. 

I'm off to finish 'buttoning'!

{On the Board} -- Be happy about the little things, because most of life is made up of little things.                                 --Me

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