Paintbrush Blanket Afghan and Pillow crochet patterns by Susan Carlson of Felted Button | Colorful Crochet Patterns

::Just Being There::

Just popping in to say hello and show you a glimpse of what is on my hook lately. This is bound to be a pillow cover. I think the pattern is all too terrific. Now I want to play with the colors a bit--
maybe something soft and pastel. Oh, and I suppose I need to finish designing the back. Hmmmm....I'm thinking felted sweater back. That's a great excuse to head off to the thrift store for the perfectly colored wool sweater that I can felt to no end.

I've also been hooking away on this beautiful blanket. I love the stitch pattern, the colors, the simplicity. And I'm hoping to make the border something fantastic!

I've been a bit under the weather but spent the past week helping out my mama who has also been under the weather. Let me share a bit...

I got a call from my mama this week telling me that she was sick and needed me. She didn't really need me to do anything for her--my dad is there and doing a fab job of housecleaning, cooking and tending to her. But she just "needed" me. She said she just feels better knowing I am there. So I drove the hour to her house each day for several days and puttered around the house while she slept. A little laundry. A few dishes. Some ironing. An errand or two. But mostly I was just there. 

It reminded me about the time shortly after my car accident and subsequent hand surgery just over a year ago. I had sweet neighbors checking on me. Dear friends bringing me meals. And my doting husband waiting on me and doing all of the things I could not. But when my daughter arrived I broke down and cried like a silly woman. I was fine. I didn't "need" anything from her. But I "needed" her. Mothers and daughters are like that, I suppose. We need each other. And I'm grateful for that.

{On the Board} -- Assume good will.    --Carolyn Sharette

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