Lightfall Blanket New Crochet Pattern

Lightfall Blanket New Crochet Pattern

I was out that day marvelling at the eclipse while weaving ends on my latest design and decided that the name Lightfall Blanket was perfect. Let me show you...
Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button
If you live in the US, you might have had the good fortune to see the eclipse that occurred earlier this week. Did you notice the way the light falls through the trees and creates little moon-shaped shadows rather than the typical dappled light? Here's what the shadows looked like on my sidewalk--you can actually see the eclipse with each separate shadow. Neat, huh?

Shadows through the trees during the eclipse (August 21, 2017) Photo by Susan Carlson of Felted Button -- Colorful Crochet Patterns

I made this blanket with three cakes of Scheepjes Whirl*. Admittedly I didn't have a plan when I bought them. But I knew that I wanted to make something with all 3 together.

Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button

When I finally settled on my idea, it was a bit of math, lots of playing with varying motifs, and a hope that my loose calculations would work as the colors played with each other. I must say, I'm pretty pleased with the colorful result.

Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button

The truly beautiful thing about this yarn is that it doesn't take a ridiculous amount of planning. I pulled all three cakes from the center--two different ones for the main body of the blanket with the third "filling the gaps" with the diamond motifs. I'm really pleased with how it worked out! It really just requires 3 Whirl cakes that look good together. (More on this idea below.)

Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button

The blanket is worked join-as-you-go so when you are finished, you are finished. And there's no need to arrange motifs to get colors anywhere particular. This layout literally flows off your hook.

Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button

I also like that the blanket has an heirloom quality--almost like wee doilies--with a modern vibe. This is not your granny's crochet, but could have been if she could have gotten her hook into this yarn! I also think the size as written--43” X 54” (109 X 137cm)--is ideal for a little one to really wrap in, but perfect for a lightweight blanket over your lap with a Netflix binge happening. 

Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button
The motifs are lacey enough to have an elegant feel-but there are no holes, either. I like that. And the drape--oh, the drape. Well, the yarn is magical with that. I used a 3.75mm hook which seems to have a perfect result. I rated the pattern as Intermediate only because of the joining, but it's super easy once you've done a motif or two. The motifs themselves are super simple and I included lots of notes to help you through. You can read more details about the pattern right here in my Felted Button Shop, or on Etsy here or LoveCrochet here.

If you have not seen this amazing yarn, you NEED to! My brain is a-whirling (pun intended) with ideas for designs with this yarn. 

Let me show you how my color-crazed brain went to town. I sorted Whirl cakes into groups of three that I thought might look pretty together with this Lightfall Blanket. And remember, you can pull from outside to inside, if the colors might play better that way.

Top: Red Velvet Sunrise, Middle: Lemon Cassis Cream Bottom: Strawberries & Scream*

Scheepjes Whirl combination ideas for the Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button
Top: Blackberry Mint Chip Middle: Peppermint Patty Cake Bottom: Key Lime Pi*

Scheepjes Whirl combination ideas for the Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button
Top: Liquorice Yumyum Middle: Raspberry Rocky Roads Bottom: Fruity 'O' Tutty*

Scheepjes Whirl combination ideas for the Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button
Top: Black Forest Zinger Middle: Popin Candy Bottom: Pistachi Oh So Nice*

Scheepjes Whirl combination ideas for the Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button
Top: Sherbet Rainbow Middle: Liquorice Yumyum Bottom: Popin Candy

Scheepjes Whirl combination ideas for the Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button
Top: Cotton Candy Man Middle: Jumpin Jelly Bottom: Liquorice Yumyum*

Scheepjes Whirl combination ideas for the Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button
Top: Lavenderlicious Middle: Black Forest Zinger Bottom: Red Velevet Sunrise

Scheepjes Whirl combination ideas for the Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button
Top: Sherbet Rainbow Middle: Melting Macaron Bottom: Fruity 'O' Tutty*

This is the color combination I used for my Lightfall BlanketStop me now, you say, but what about this one...
Scheepjes Whirl combination ideas for the Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button
Top: Blackcurrant Squeeze Me Middle: Banana Cream Hi Bottom: Green Tea Tipple*
(This might be one of my very favorite!)
 Or wait...this one...
Scheepjes Whirl combination ideas for the Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button
Top: Blueberry Bambam Middle: Passion Fruit Melt Bottom: Rosewater Cocktail*

Well, obviously, with 29 different colorways, there are 4,495 combinations--that's the math nerd in me--so...choose 3 that "float your boat" and head to one of these places to get your 3 Whirl cakes...
They all have international shipping, too, so no worries if you are other places around the world.

Pick up the Lightfall Blanket pattern in my shops--Felted Button Shop,  Etsy or LoveCrochet.

Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button

Share your color combos with me on Facebook here, Instagram here (tag @FeltedButton) or Pinterest here. I love to see your Felted Button creations. 

Lightfall Blanket Crochet Pattern by Susan Carlson of Felted Button
I'm off to the Netherlands for Scheepjes Blogger Days and can hardly wait to see my fellow bloggers, fondle some yarn at the Scheepjes warehouse and have lots of hooky time. Be well. I'll be back soon!
| On the Board | -- Stop hating yourself for everything you aren't and start loving yourself for everything you are.
Susan Carlson of Felted Button -- Colorful Crochet Patterns* This post contains affiliate links.

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